Tawakkol Karman







年起成為 PeaceJam 基金會委員。

塔瓦庫‧卡曼 (Tawakkol Karman) 1979 年出生於也門第三大城塔伊茲。她在一個政治動盪的國家長大,目睹了1990年北也門和南也門的統一,隨後1994年兩派之間爆發內戰,北方戰勝了南方。隨著專制的北方政府控制了該國,內戰在南方引發了異議。塔瓦庫爾是一名職業記者和人權活動家,他透過動員他人和報道不公現象來應對也門的政治不穩定和侵犯人權行為。 2005年,卡曼創立了「無鎖鏈女記者」(WJWC)組織,該組織倡導權利和自由,並為記者提供媒體技能。

2007年,Tawakkol開始在也門首都薩那組織每週抗議活動,針對系統性政府鎮壓,並呼籲對腐敗和其他形式的社會和法律不公現象進行調查。塔瓦庫每週的抗議活動一直持續到 2011 年,當時她動員抗議者支持阿拉伯之春,這是一場呼籲中東和北非政府改革的運動。卡曼多次被捕。最引人注目的逮捕發生在 2011 年 1 月 22 日,當時她被指控擾亂也門的和平與社會安全。在各地大規模抗議要求釋放後,她被釋放。她也收到死亡威脅,並成為政府抹黑和壓制她的活動的目標。儘管面臨威脅和騷擾,卡曼總是重複說:“我們不害怕未來,但我們會實現它。”

2011 年 12 月,塔瓦庫·卡曼 (Tawakkol Karman) 因其堅定捍衛也門的民主和正義以及賦予婦女在建設和平進程中的作用而被授予諾貝爾和平獎。塔瓦庫勒是第一位獲得諾貝爾和平獎的阿拉伯女性,被譽為「革命之母」和「阿拉伯之春的女士」。

Nobel Speech






  • Change does not come by itself; change comes when we work for it.
  • Peace does not come by fear and oppression, but by justice and freedom.
  • No matter how tough the journey may seem, remember that the destination is always worth fighting for.
  • Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
  • Our words have power, but our actions have even greater power.
  • Do not underestimate the strength within you; you are capable of achieving greatness.
  • The greatest weapon against injustice is unity.
  • We cannot be silent in the face of atrocities; our voices must be the catalyst for change.
  • Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.
  • Our thoughts become our reality; let them be powerful and positive.
  • The struggle for freedom is a lifelong commitment; it is not a battle that can be won overnight.
  • Never doubt the impact that one person can have; a single voice can ignite a revolution.
  • The power of hope is stronger than any force that tries to extinguish it.
  • Choose to be a warrior for peace, not a slave to hatred.
  • The power of love is far greater than the power of hate.
  • In times of darkness, be the light that guides others.
  • Real change begins with education; knowledge is our most powerful weapon.
  • Never be afraid to speak your truth, even if your voice shakes.
  • We must believe in the power of our dreams, for they have the potential to change the world.
  • Silence in the face of injustice is a betrayal of humanity.
  • Together, we are stronger than any force that tries to divide us.
  • Refuse to be a victim; rise up and be a victor.
  • Every woman has the strength within her to be a leader; all she needs is the opportunity.
  • Stand tall, even when others try to bring you down.
  • The greatest revolution is the one that starts within.
  • We are all equal and deserving of the same rights and freedoms.
  • Compassion and empathy are the keys to healing our broken world.
  • Change begins when we challenge the status quo and refuse to accept the unacceptable.
  • Let our actions speak louder than our words, for they are the true measure of our character.
  • The path to progress is never an easy one, but it is always worth the journey.