José Ramos-Horta







年起成為 PeaceJam 基金會委員。

他被譽為全球和平締造者,2012年幾內亞比索發生軍事政變後,他受聯合國邀請擔任該國特使。他任職至 2014 年,此時該國舉行了民主選舉並將權力和平移交給民選政府。



這兩個和平目標均在 2001 年實現。


拉莫斯-奧爾塔 1949 年出生於東帝汶帝力,母親是東帝汶人,父親是葡萄牙人。東帝汶是葡萄牙的殖民地。 18歲時,拉莫斯-奧爾塔因批評葡萄牙殖民政府而被流放到莫三比克。 1974年,葡萄牙實現非殖民化並放棄了東帝汶殖民地,東帝汶立即宣布獨立。然而,鄰國印尼很快就入侵並佔領了東帝汶。他的十一個兄弟姊妹中,有四人被印尼軍方殺害。拉莫斯-奧爾塔在印尼入侵東帝汶向聯合國就東帝汶案件進行辯護的三天前離開了東帝汶。


拉莫斯-奧爾塔在接下來的 24 年流亡海外,與世界各國政府會面,試圖爭取對東帝汶的支持。 1992年,拉莫斯-奧爾塔向歐洲議會提出了一項三階段和平計劃,呼籲印尼撤軍、釋放政治犯、尊重人權以及在聯合國監督下舉行獨立公投。 2000年,東帝汶人民投票支持獨立和民主。作為對投票的反應,印尼軍隊在撤軍時燒毀並摧毀了該國大部分地區。


東帝汶首任總統夏納納·古斯芒任命拉莫斯-奧爾塔為該國首任外交部長。拉莫斯-奧爾塔隨後於 2007 年當選東帝汶總統。拉莫斯-奧爾塔總統任期於2012年結束,現任東帝汶駐聯合國特使。 2022年4月21日,若澤·拉莫斯-奧爾塔博士當選東帝汶總統,連任。拉莫斯-奧爾塔博士於5月19日宣誓就職,並於2022年5月20日即東帝汶恢復獨立20週年之日就職。

Nobel Speech

我最深切地感謝諾貝爾委員會選擇我們獲得 1996 年諾貝爾和平獎。你們對地球上的不幸者的慷慨,你們對抗國家強權的勇氣,太多人的憤世嫉俗和冷漠以及一些人的背叛,也講述了這個偉大國家的靈魂和勇敢的歷史。










  • There can be no peace without justice.
  • Peace is not just the absence of war, but the presence of justice, of law, of order – in short, of government.
  • We cannot justly expect others to respect our rights if we do not respect theirs.
  • The struggle for independence is not a gift bestowed upon us; it is something we must earn through sacrifice, determination, and resilience.
  • Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.
  • Never underestimate the power of dialogue and negotiation in resolving conflicts.
  • Dignity is not negotiable, and neither is human rights.
  • The key to achieving true peace lies in understanding, tolerance, and respect for diversity.
  • A nation's strength lies in the character and resilience of its people.
  • Every individual has a role to play in building a just and peaceful society.
  • Freedom is not something that can be given or taken away; it is a universal right that we must fight for.
  • Leadership is not about personal gain, but about serving the common good.
  • Optimism is the driving force that pushes us forward, even in the face of adversity.
  • We must embrace forgiveness and reconciliation to heal the wounds of the past.
  • Education is the foundation upon which we can build a better future.
  • The fight for justice is not a sprint, but a marathon.
  • Democracy is not just about elections; it is about the empowerment of the people.
  • We must learn from history to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.
  • Great leaders are those who inspire others to become leaders themselves.
  • The path to peace is paved with compassion, empathy, and understanding.
  • In the darkest of times, it is our inner light that guides us towards a better tomorrow.