Betty Williams







年起成為 PeaceJam 基金會委員。

威廉斯 1943 年出生於北愛爾蘭貝爾法斯特。和北愛爾蘭的許多家庭一樣,貝蒂的家人也深受 暴力的影響。她的新教祖父因為兒子娶了一位天主教婦女而遭到攻擊。她的表弟丹尼爾被新教極端分子殺害。另一個表弟則被愛爾蘭共和軍的炸彈炸死。用貝蒂的話來說,「新教徒殺死了我的一個表兄弟,天主教徒殺死了另一個。 1976年,三名無辜兒童在貝爾法斯特的一次槍擊事件中喪生。威廉斯是一名家庭主婦兼秘書,親眼目睹了這場悲劇,並決定必須結束數十年

威廉斯與被害三個孩子的阿姨梅里德·科里根 (Máiread Corrigan) 共同創立了和平人民社 區。威廉斯成為一名草根活動家,他建立了一個由前衝突反對者組成的當地和團體。她組織了一次前往兒童墳墓的和平遊行,有 10,000 名新教和天主教婦女參加。愛爾蘭共和軍擾亂了和平遊行,但接下來的一周,35,000 人與威廉斯和科里根一起遊行,抗議該國的暴力行為。貝蒂·威廉斯創立了世界兒童同情中心,其使命是為遭受戰爭、飢餓、社會、經濟或政治動盪的地區的兒童提供強有力的政治聲音。 WCCC 在義大利南部建立了他們的第一個「愛心之城」。這座城市是最容易遭受戰爭、飢餓、疾病和虐待的兒童的避風港。2020 年 3 月,貝蒂威廉斯去世,她的遺產透過  PeaceJam 得以延續。她於 1996 年加入PeaceJam,並於同年在美國主辦了第一屆 PeaceJam 會議,並與全球年輕人一起舉辦了60 多場活動。

Nobel Speech



  • "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
  • “Peace does not mean the absence of conflict, but the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.”
  • We will not have peace until we see ourselves in others and treat them as we would treat ourselves.
  • Peace is not a destination, but a journey that requires constant effort and dedication.
  • The greatest power we have is the power to choose love over hatred.
  • Revenge and violence only perpetuate the cycle of hate; love and forgiveness have the power to break it.
  • In the face of injustice, we must be willing to stand up and speak out for what is right.
  • Peace begins with a smile, a kind word, and a genuine gesture of compassion.
  • Every small act of kindness contributes to the greater peace we seek.
  • Knowledge is power, but compassion is the true strength that can change the world.
  • Love is not weak; it takes immense strength to love unconditionally.
  • We cannot change the past, but we can shape the future by the choices we make today.
  • Forgiveness is not about condoning, but about freeing ourselves from the burden of holding onto anger.
  • To truly understand someone, we must try to see the world through their eyes.
  • We must learn to listen not just to respond, but to understand.
  • Peace does not come from seeking external validation, but from finding inner contentment.
  • The power of nonviolence lies in our ability to transform conflict into opportunity for growth and understanding.
  • Hatred is a heavy burden to carry; let us lay it down and choose love instead.
  • We are all connected, and our actions have ripple effects that can reach far beyond our immediate surroundings.
  • Comprehensive reporting on individual achievement
  • True leaders inspire others to become the best versions of themselves.
  • The path to peace is not smooth or easy, but it is always worth pursuing.
  • Let us strive to build bridges, not walls, between people of different backgrounds and beliefs.
  • Our diversity should be celebrated, for it is a source of strength and richness.
  • The journey towards peace begins with self-reflection and personal growth.
  • In the face of adversity, let us choose hope and positivity instead of despair.
  • We must be willing to step outside of our comfort zones and embrace the unknown.
  • Empathy is the key to understanding and connecting with others on a deeper level.
  • Justice without compassion is merely punishment; true justice seeks to heal and restore.
  • Peace is not just the absence of violence, but the presence of justice and equality.
  • We all have a role to play in building a more peaceful and just world; let us not underestimate the power of one individual.